BioTE® Hormone Therapy

As both men and women age, levels of hormones change. This can lead to hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalance symptoms in men include loss of muscle mass, low sex drive, fatigue, mood changes, irritability, high cholesterol, stress, and increased body fat.

Hormone Imbalance

Hormone imbalance symptoms in women include trouble sleeping, hot flashes, discomfort during intercourse, decreased sex drive, and mood swings.

The knowledgeable team at Doctors for Health provide BioTE Hormone Therapy to address hormone imbalances in both men and women. This therapy helps balance hormones through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Bioidentical hormones mimic the hormones naturally produced by your body and address multiple symptoms of hormone imbalance without the unwanted side effects of synthetic hormones.

Benefits of BioTE Hormone Therapy

For Men

Increased lean muscle mass; improved focus and memory; thicker hair; increased energy and stamina; improved mood, stronger bones, and better sleep. Men have pellets inserted on average every 5-6 months for optimal wellness.

For Women

Decreased night sweats and hot flashes; improved digestion; more restful sleep; better muscle function; higher bone density; increased sex drive; and reduced heaviness and painful periods. Women have pellets inserted on average every 3-4 months for optimal wellness.

Balanced hormones are the key to overall emotional and physical well-being as we age. With BioTE hormone therapy, you can live a better, happier, and healthier life at every age.